5 solutions for schools – Comfort Efficiency Safety Hygiene Cost Saving

The educational institutes are submitted to a continuous review both to reduce and rationalize public cost, for example with the creation of school complex where systems and structures are used in common by different institutes, and to ensure that the school buildings have a suitable qualitative development to the constant evolution of the training dynamics.

The government’s scholastic building plan is giving a big impulse to the requalification of the existing patrimony and to the construction of more efficient and safe new buildings.

Both the radiant ceiling and underfloor heating and cooling systems have many advantages:

  • Thermal comfort and energy efficiency
  • Low temperature systems that can use energy from renewable sources with low ownership cost
  • No ordinary maintenance cost
  • They are not subject to vandalism
  • They don’t obstruct the floor and they don’t cause incidents
  • Greatest hygiene because they don’t move or pile dust
Furthermore, in the requalification of old buildings the GKM Ultra radiant ceiling improves safety and environmental internal quality because:

  • It creates a structure that is able to support an accidental plaster fall
  • It improves fire reaction and fire resistance performances (panels in class A2-s1,d0)
  • It corrects and improves environmental acoustic performances using perforated gypsumboards
  • It improves the environmental air quality by neutralizing formaldehyde and general VOC using specific gypsumboards

Inoltre nelle riqualificazioni di vecchi edifici i controsoffitti radianti GKM ULTRA migliorano la sicurezza e la qualità interna degli ambienti perché:

  • creano una struttura in grado di sostenere l’accidentale sfondellamento dei solai e la caduta di intonaco
  • migliorano le prestazioni di reazione e resistenza al fuoco (lastre in classe A2-s1,d0)
  • correggono e migliorano le prestazioni acustiche dell’ambiente con l’utilizzo di lastre forate
  • migliorano la qualità dell’aria ambiente neutralizzando la formaldeide ed i VOC in generale con l’utilizzo di apposite lastre



  Università Bocconi – Milano Scuola primaria Mazzini - Udine
  Politecnico di Torino Facoltà di architettura Scuola primaria C. Collodi - Osnago LC
  Polo scolastico Massalengo - Lodi Scuola primaria di Cantalupo – Cerro Magg. MI
  Istituto comprensivo Bernardo Clesio – Cles TN Scuola primaria San Salvatore - Coriano RN
  Scuola materna Rorai Piccolo – Porcia PN Scuola primaria di Spirano BG
  Scuola dell’infanzia e asilo nido di Sant’Urbano PD Scuola primaria San Leonardo in Passiria BZ
  Scuola materna di Castellana Sicula PA Scuola primaria Baccio da Montelupo FI
  Scuola materna Umberto I° - Bonate Sopra BG Scuola secondaria I° Torbole Casaglia Brescia


New Trifoglio Care Home Case Study.


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